Use "inoculum|inocula" in a sentence

1. Digested sludge inoculum (Vl )

2. Key words: allelopathy, cyanobacterial inoculum, organic N, phenolics, rice.

3. Kuwait proposes to construct irrigation systems and to add soil amendments and inocula.

4. In such series, conidia or aerial hyphae work equally well as transfer inocula, but 1-mm hyphal tips cut from growing mycelium do not promote senescence when used as inocula.

5. Inoculum: Mainly seedborne; can be spread in aerosols during rainfall.

6. Test inocula are taken from a vitamin base-ammonium sulfate-dextrose positive control slant.

7. The inoculum should be withdrawn from the slope portion of agar slants.

8. The efficiency of introduced pisolithus tinctorius inoculum on Backcrossed chestnut germination and survival

9. Cows' milk, salt, calf's rennet, lactic acid enzymes and/or natural inocula where required.

10. To simplify matters, analytical estimation should be performed before the addition of the inoculum.

11. 16 Furthermore, adventitious root growth, rate was greatly increased when inoculum size was 5%.

12. In particular, the minimum inhibitory concentrations of azlocillin and mezlocillin againstKlebsiella aerogenes and againstP. aeruginosa were greatly influenced by the size of bacterial inoculum tested whereas there was no significant inoculum effect with carbenicillin and ticarcillin.

13. The key parameters for this Assay were optimized, including cell types, cell numbers, virus inoculum.

14. Inocula may be pre-conditioned to the experimental conditions, but not pre-adapted to the test chemical.

15. In addition, the composition of the donor inocula should be taken into account when interpreting study results.

16. If no haemagglutination is detected, this procedure must be repeated using undiluted allantoic/amniotic fluid as inoculum

17. If no haemagglutination is detected the above procedure is repeated using undiluted allantoic/amniotic fluid as inoculum.

18. Achlorhydria, common in patients with AIDS, allows a smaller inoculum of ingested enteric organisms to establish disease.

19. If no haemagglutination is detected, this procedure must be repeated using undiluted allantoic/amniotic fluid as inoculum.

20. If no haemagglutination is detected, the above procedure is repeated using undiluted allantoic/amniotic fluid as inoculum.

21. Inoculum may be pre-conditioned to the experimental conditions, but not pre-adapted to the test chemical.

22. An inoculum of selected yeasts is added, and possibly clarifying agents and activators of secondary alcoholic fermentation.

23. Rice root nematode (Hirschmanniella oryzae) is a migratory endoparasite which on higher inoculum levels will lead to complete destruction of a rice crop.

24. Under anaerobic conditions, using an aquifer slurry as an inoculum, 4-hydroxyphenylsulfonic acid at 35 mg/l was not Biodegraded over a period of 13 months(10)

25. In the method, the bacillus pumilus H2 inocula accesses culture water and is prepared by grafting a bacillus pumilus H2 strain into an LB culture medium.

26. When the same mycelial Blendure was used to compared combined effects of size of inoculum and initial aflatoxin concentration on aflatoxin degradation, it appeared that increasing

27. It seems that the alates do not carry an inoculum of viable spores of the fungus from the parent colony, but that workers introduce basidiospores in early foraging.

28. Add Aliquots of well-mixed inoculum (paragraph 25) so that the concentration of total solids is the same in all vessels (between 1 g/l and 3 g/l)

29. It seems probable that the inoculum effect seen with azlocillin and mezlocillin in antibacterial tests withK. aerogenes andP. aeruginosa is associated with the instability of the compounds to theβ-lactamases of these bacteria.

30. This indicated: 1) Backcrossed breeding produces seedlings similar to pure American chestnuts with regard to growth, establishment, and fungal symbionts, and 2) the granular inoculum had no influence on ECM colonization in this field site.

31. Biodegradation may normally be distinguished from bioadsorption by careful examination of the elimination-time curve and may usually be confirmed by applying a test for ready biodegradation using an acclimatised inoculum from the unit receiving the test chemical.

32. Bacterid inocula Ecological impact Lon if oiling light Oil in undertow water; cham rips sea gras Noise; air pollution Siiiokt: Water column toxicity Toxicity? Injure eggs of shore spawners Slow; toxicity; mothering Damaging ioot traffic Physical shoreline damage Excess wacte gener'ition FLI~ consumption; foot traffic Sedinient physical danlage

33. Milking operations, the maximum period for which milking takes place, conservation and the partial skimming of the milk by removal of the cream that rises to the top in open-air tanks, the adding of natural whey inoculum produced by spontaneous acidification of the whey residue from the previous day

34. Management Cucurbits should be rotated with another crop every 2 years to reduce levels of inoculum; crop debris should be removed from the field as quickly as possible after harvest or plowed deeply into the soil; applications of appropriate protective fungicides can help to slow the development of the disease; water plants from the base rather than from above to reduce periods of leaf